In the 1990s, Paul Romer revolutionized economics. In the aughts, he became rich as a software entrepreneur. Now he’s trying to help the poorest countries grow rich—by convincing them to establish foreign-run “charter cities” within their borders. Romer’s idea is unconventional, even neo-colonial—the best analogy is Britain’s historic lease of Hong Kong. And against all odds, he just might make it happen.
That’s ideal and it is never be a bad idea in mind, if all the issues can be addressed(culturals, religious and others), thought on the context in economic perspectives and addressed objectively in the longer run for the benefit of the residing countries, because at the end of the day, that would entails complexity from the first day go and few years down the line, but if transparency and the WILLS on both sides are contained and MANAGED, I guess is durable, but that's only my own reflections on the issue, but I would guess is a well thought idea, but it is not on our mind set right now, not in this century I guess, given all the historical pasts, but never the less it is justifiably applicable.
But this is another idea, which I have discussed before on other blogs, why not bring on the experts, such as retired leaders, economists, business leaders and others, who would have genuine considerations about lifting the poor, advice us, and guide us through in terms of policy makings, business makings, identifying opportunities, and others, and lifting that tub of openings on every aspects of our life as a country, and willingly embracing whats necessary good for us, because until now we are on wrong path, or progressively on very slow pace, given the MAGNIFICENT natural resources, that we have, and instincts opportunities that we failed to explore or to take all together, the poors are becoming extinct marginalised by the rich nations. We are failing to show up to the rich nations that, lifting ourselves up is good on both sides, thats why we are being exploited big times, we failed to learn the lessons from colonial era, we are only changing methods of exploitation, and thats we get our own self to blame, but if we start thinking out of box, and start embracing ideas, thats when, we will start ascertain ourselves and gain confidence as a nation, but right now, we are only given a small playing fields, such that, our morals are really low, and our leaders are simply mouth wash, nothing with a bang. All these need to be changed, but thats discussion for another topic, but generally this is not a bad idea.
That’s ideal and it is never be a bad idea in mind, if all the ISSUES can be addressed, thought on the context in economic perspectives and addressed objectively in the longer run for the benefit of the residing countries, because at the end of the day, that would entails complexity from the first day go and few years down the line, but if transparency and the will on both sides are contained and MANAGED, I guess is durable, but that's only my own reflections on the issue, but I would guess is a well thought idea, but it is not on our mind set right now, not in this century I guess, given all the historical pasts, but never the less it is justifiably applicable.
But this is another idea, which I have discussed before on other blogs, why not bring on the experts, such as retired leaders, economists, business leaders and others, who would have genuine considerations about lifting the poor, advice us, and guide us through in terms of policy makings, business makings, identifying opportunities, and others, and lifting that tub of openings on every aspects of our life as a country, and willingly embracing whats necessary good for us, because until now we are on wrong path, or progressively on very slow pace, given the MAGNIFICENT natural resources, that we have, and instincts opportunities that we failed to explore or to take all together, the poors are becoming extinct marginalised by the rich nations. We are failing to show up to the rich nations that, lifting ourselves up is good on both sides, thats why we are being exploited big times, we failed to learn the lessons from colonial era, we are only changing methods of exploitation, and thats we get our own self to blame, but if we start thinking out of box, and start embracing ideas, thats when, we will start ascertain ourselves and gain confidence as a nation, but right now, we are only given a small playing fields, such that, our morals are really low, and our leaders are simply mouth wash, nothing with a bang. All these need to be changed, but thats discussion for another topic, but generally this is not a bad idea.
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I am sure this would be a perfect trend in foreseeable future, given the circumstances the world is getting too small to ignore, there is just visible aspects ya maisha ambayo tunaingiliana, given an easy access to very WELL improved communication, habari and opening up between well unknown societies until this century. We have common understandings and respect as the years pass.
Kwa hiyo there is a good chance of befriending each others and feel comfortable on each others as society, thats become an OPPORTUNITY. Therefore gone those time where you see differences btn societies, that would not be tolerated, although it still remains on part of the world, but it is slowly become extinct. I am sure given these VERY GOOD trends INTER-TWINE btn society, I don't see why not engaging on that front, by engaging SINCERE and good leaders on VARIETY of subjects out there who GENUINELY want to improve the life of the POORS.
Going back to the discussion, I am feeling in acceptance, this guy is serious but we are not ready for that, but rather for ADVICEABLE ROLEs, within our government INSTITUTES, whether that be Health Care, Industries, Education and so on and so forth, as I have pointed out above, and they should be encouraged and welcomed, nothing to fill ashamed off, we have get a lot to CATCH UP, and we cannot do on our own, until we bring those knowledge and understandings of how to run things, from those who knows the most.
Enough talk, take example of Bill Gate, with his Malaria Adventure(finding a vaccine for Malaria), which in no doubt, I am confident in 5-10yrs time, Malaria will be a history, purely eradicated just like Polio and others, and remain on partly on history book, I tend to believe that was GENUINE gesture of him, concern about this terrible infectious disease which caused havoc on poorest nations, and given his understandings of the plight of the poor, through media, and travelling, through that he become befriended and concern, just like any other human beings, and he therefore decided to take that fight personally using his wealth. I am sure there are plenty out there with just similar concern on other aspects of our life WHO ARE WILLING TO DO THE SAME, BUT RATHER ON DIFFERENT SUBJECT MATTERS, but if that was on Colonial ERA, I am sure he wouldn’t fall that, because the UNDERSTANDINGS BTW SOCIETIES AND NATIONS WASN’T THERE.
Side Note:
I am sure given our country efforts in fighting Malaria, we should see an opportunity opening up on this, and start engaging him on just that small scale, by convincing him in licensing the first Pharmaceuticals factory producing the vaccine on our own country, rather importing it, that in itself would create huge business in Africa, from exporting and distributing the vaccines across Africa.
So, given that pathway, I am sure many more opportunities will open up on other fronts, WE NEED TO START OPENING UP A LITTLE BIT, AND THATS AN IDEAL PLACE TO START.
I don't second the idea. Why?...What's so hard for us to "copy from them and paste" in our back,front whatever yards?
We are the only ones who are going to bring meaningful changes in this country,with advise and some form of technical assistance from them.
If you want to develop,you'll have to take the hard way and mostly on your own.
It may be a wise idea to some;as we seem to be hopeless and unable. Certainly, its not a wacky one as we surely look like we need some massive help.
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