Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mwalimu on Trade


Anonymous said...

Talking about Science and Technology, Let me remind you Thuwein, it seems to me that, you never retire to the general consensus that Mwalimu was rather more a UN man(aka a teacher), rather than states man.

Going back to the point, talking about Science and Technology, and all that hypocritical talks he is portraying to be champion of, despite having a loose connection with understanding Economy or Trade for that matter.

Here is a snapshot of article which confirm disingenuous of what he is trying to say, and what he left us as Tanzanians, with little but NO EDUCATION, and then bragging about Science, Technology and Development, with Low Standard, Low quality Education, How can that be achieved ?, given those circumstances?

I tell you what, the effects of that is enormous the ripples of the waves can also be filled today,

Go on Continue Reading

Tanzania Has Only 40,000 University Graduates
TOMRIC Agency, 18 October 2000

But insist that there were few lessons for Tanzania because of the poor economic base, abject poverty and little investment in education and training. Dr. Nyagetera says that the Malaysian economy was similar to the Tanzanian economy in the 1960s in terms of population, size, per capital income, growth rate of GDP, incidence of poverty in education and health indicators. “But now, Malaysia and Tanzania are poles apart, and are now at different levels and states of economic development with Malaysia in the upper middle income economies while Tanzania is in the group of low-income economies” he says.

Anonymous said...

Nyerere and Tanzania: No Regrets at Socialism By PAUL LEWIS
Published: October 24, 1990...

"If I had my time over again, I would do it much the same way," said the 68-year-old founding father who is called Mwalimu .... Cont

salama said...

The one bout Rushwa's!

He was one of a kind.

Thuwein said...

In my opinion Mwalimu was an able statesman. He built an African nation that has never saw conflicts to this day (we take that for granted). And in my opinion that justifies his brilliance. The consensus is his Ujamaa failed and did cost us immensely. Now, with regard to education--By the time he left office 95% of Tanzanians were literate compared to about 90% of us who were illiterate during independence. Education is tricky, because U want to educate folks with a practical skills. Vocational training and things of that nature, I think he emphasized that more than higher learning and research type of elimu. But during that era, it was a right decision to wipe out illiteracy and now the current leadership can increase the amount and capacity of higher learning institutes.

I think you can knock Mwalimu on various issues but you can't discredit his unwavering belief in a power to educate a man. The guy even implemented elimu ya watu wazima.

Azaria Mbughuni said...

I must agree with Thuwein here. It is clear to me that some Tanzanians want to run before they can walk. It took America more than 200 years to emerge as a world power; during that time they benefited from slavery, went through a major Civil War,and industrialized with help from Europe. These things take time.

What Nyerere was able to do with the country in a period of 25 years while starting from nothing, is trully commendable. One really has to put this in historical context to get a clear picture. I am not one to say that we did not have setbacks; we did. However, the accomplishments far outweigh the setbacks. We still have work to do.

Now it is time for our elders to pass the torch to a new generation, and our friend here is our greatest hope.