I spent a better part of last week discussing the questions of leadership with a group of ambitious young politicians. One of the persistent questions I put across to some of these guys is that...why do you want to lead? Is it just an urge to be upfront or you want to do something with the position that you are seeking? And, thinking through our challenges as a country, what is it that you are offering as solutions?
I want to put across some very real [immediate] challenges that would require creative leadership to overcome. Think of Dar es Salaam. And think of the combination of the following challenges:
1. Ruvu river, which is the main water source for Dar es Salaam, is decreasing in flow at the rate of 6-9 per cent per year. The next big crisis in Dar will be over water (actually we are starting to see it already)
2. At the same time, Dar es Salaam adds more than 200 new inhabitants per day. Slums are expanding, and rents in slums are skyrocketing. At the moment, Kariakoo day labourers and other unemployed pay 300 shillings to sleep overnight in someone's corridor in Kariakoo.(Fact: in all the cities in the world, Dar es Salaam is the 18th fastest growing. The first in the world is Kigali - but these guys in Rwanda have deliberately decided to urbanise the country. For us, it just happens)
3. 60 percent of Dar es Salaam dwellers are under-30, majority of them with high aspirations but no work.
4. 70 - 80 percent of Dar dwellers use charcoal as a source of cooking energy. At the same time, over the last 15 years, we have cut down 20 million acres of forests and therefore charcoal is becoming expensive (30,000 - 35,000 shillings per bag now), with no energy alternative for the urban poor. (Our energy crisis will be over the unavailability of charcoal).
5. A civilised society is determined by the manner in which it disposes its garbage. Every piece of land in Dar is now expensive, and since we are going to be churning out hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage per day, we are going to be hard pressed for spaces for "dampos". Incineration is costly because of the cost of power per kilowatt. Where and how do we dispose our garbage?
6. We can [structurally] sort out the transportation issues in Dar (with rapid transit buses, over-passes, better traffic policing, etc), but our city has no "soul" (perhaps because of its "balkanisation"), and therefore we cannot act as a community to tackle common challenges as other cities in the world do. Creative leadership is needed to "bring the city together" and make its dwellers feel as one. How do you do that?
....anyway, we could go on...but the point I was making to these guys (most of them Dar es Salaam dwellers) is that if you are thinking about being a leader, you should at least (minimally) reflect on the challenges of the community in which you reside (which is Dar es Salaam) and think through the solutions to those challenges. Other things (Buzwagi, etc) that our MPs fret about are important: but you start with the problems of your community. So, what are your solutions?
Why are English majors disappearing?
8 months ago
If we get solutions to the # 3, we can pretty much easily get solutions for the rest of the challenges not only for D'salaam but also for most part of our country. If we can solve, lets call it, a puzzle piece 3, the rest of the pieces will fall in place easily. That is, the solution. Now, how?
Let's use the 60% of D'salaam dwellers, (under 30) very young!, full of youth!, eager to work, for the following issues:
1. Put our city together. Y'all might think I'm crazy and soo last year. It sounds like wanting to learn the "rocket science" such a "complex issue", but, if you think about it, it's very easy. If you teach them that It's all about, that one spirit and one common goal, to build our country. I think people will respond. But, (yes there's a but) give them incentives first, just simple ones. Both workers and the community itself. Since that we're not used to it yet, am sure people will want some sort of motivation.
It's easy for us because we already have that sense of community. Si kama other societies.
And how do you bring people together, teach (especially youths) skills on community organization and the importance to it. I think our Government can handle at least this one and be creative on what kind of skills will be suitable for our community and what kind of incentives to reward them.
2. Basic needs. Jamani maji!, I know that we're struggling with our economy but, this is too much. It hurts kwa sababu nimebeba ndoo kichwani and go up for about, 40 or 50 stairs, at the same time you're trying to figure out btn kusuuza nguo mara moja au mara mbili. Albeit, It was a good exercise, it's an experience NOT! to repeat, hell to the no!. Do everybody has to live in masaki, mbezi, oysterbay to get access to clean and running water? Do they pay more taxes to have this kind of services? Can it be a SPECIAL Gov. project to start with?
Because, let's say you're able to provide medicines in hospitals but then, if cholera or typhoid is the rise for lack of clean water, I don't know. You don't even need to teach a 5 yrs old this subject. I'm not gonna go there now but, am sure we can be creative enough on how to find means to be able use the water surrounding our country. For, water!!, and electricity.(keep in mind you have all those young people who need work)
3. Think about the rapid growth of our city and make it one of the important issues like, try and build it as tourist city. We need better infrastructure, housing and when we're able to solve the water and electricity problems, we'll discover ways to dispose the garbage and get energy alternatives
4. Another key issue is volunteering. It might not be in our blood because everyone is struggling to make ends meet. But, am sure that, there are few people who're well off enough and have some time to volunteer to their communities. I might sound nuts on this one but, guys, if one person starts today, down along the way we can build pyramids.
Just to name a few. I know that talk is cheap and this sounds like plans for the next 50 yrs but, we all started somewhere. And if we get a back up from a non corruptive government(please God!)
Concerning the last post, I have three words for you.
January & fellow bloggers,
What is my solution? My rector back in the days when I attended seminary secondary school always preached to me and fellow schoolmates how "cleanliness is close to Godliness." I was 14 years old then but that phrase has remained in my head till today. Now back to the subject. Given that the municipal is responsible in administering and enforcing laws of the country on the municipal level, my jab to your question is first of all to suggest that we ought to examine the way our municipals operate. To me that's a starting point to a solution.
I'm afraid that the ideals of a clean city that you and I have in mind are beyond the general public's perception of a typical clean city. I bet you if we were to randomly pick people on the street at any given day in any given region in Tanzania, most respondents would say that the clean city to them is a city free of "takataka." But you and I know that clean air, clean water, liter free streets all encompass a clean city. Matusi ya wahuni mtaani kwangu mimi pia naona ni uchafuzi wa mazingira.
Perception is everything. So we have got to work on perception first. Needless to say, municipals are run by people. The extent of exposure, education, and attitude of these people affect the missions of municipals for good or bad. And we can say this for the public sector in general. After the senior management and staff of municipals have adopted the right perception on the ideals of a clean city accordingly and after having been taught to appreciate those ideals, that is when we're likely to see municipals making impact as they will be driven by both personal and institution aspirations to get the job done. So the problem is not necessarily the lack of law enforcement or institutional capabilities, it is the perception and exposure syndrome.
We have got to find a way of that will give people reasons that will make them want to emulate their leaders. Leaders have to create the kind of image that that will make people want to emulate them majumbani kwao, ofisini na hata wakiwa mtaani. Kiongozi hatakiwa kunywa maji na kutupa chupa kwenye mtalu pembeni ya barabara kama ilivyo kawaida ya watu wengi. Lazima ifikie mahali raia walio wengi wafahamu kwamba uchafu ni kitu kutokuwa mahali pake. Mtu aone aibu kutupa chupa kwenye mtalu kama mtu mwenye akili timamu aonavyo aibu kujisaidia hadharani. Teachers are good role models because of their proven abilities to teach. They preach what they practice-- and that is teaching. So I agree with you, January, political aspirants/opportunists should start in their own communities by leading as an example.
The government should challenge business executives to play part in the struggle to keep cities clean by urging them to including environmental conservation awareness in seminars and staff trainings at their workplaces. I'm quite certain that the private sector would rise to such challenges from the government if asked.
As for the challenges of imminent Dar overpopulation, the use of charcoal, and shortage of water; those are going to remain serious microeconomic and environmental challenges of our time. And it is impossible to keep people from chopping trees for firewood and charcoal if we don't help them find alternative energy solutions for their cooking needs.
A few years ago when I used to travel the regions of Tanzania like a mad man doing research, I encountered a district forest officer who would use his fancy donor funded SUV to make rounds district wide to collect bribes from charcoal smugglers at charcoal checkpoints. Instead of using the donated vehicle and his time (on government payroll) in his capacity as a forest officer to enforce the laws enacted to protect forests, this dude would connive with the people he was supposed to arrest.
Tutafika kweli?
I really like this approach--addressing real problems and coming up with solutions. I will confess here to a bit of fatigue by endless debates on different websites that lead to nowhere.
Our country has plenty of people, especially young people,who can come up with creative ways to resolve our problems. These young people need to be given a chance; their voices should be heard.
The challenges identified here are connected: water, charcoal, garbage, overpopulation etc. These are key enviromental issues that have profound short and long term consequences. Cut too many trees, you will get less rain. Less rain translates to less water for drinking, farming etc. Prevent people from cutting trees, risks millions of people being unable to cook. Too much garbage pollutes the environment and leads to health problems. An overpopulated city will have to deal with the question of sources of energy and waste disposal. That is obvious. People without proper income do not have environmental concerns as one of their priorities; even though it will impact them in one way or another. Their number one goal is survival and nothing else.
These are intractable problems that have no simple solutions.
First thing to do is research. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Is there any other city around the world that has dealt with the same problems and come up with solutions? I suspect the answer is yes; at least to some of the problems identified.
What can we learn from those examples. I do not have time to do the research at the moment. But clearly we can find some solutions by exploring what others have done.
Secondly, I believe in creating projects that can sustain themselves; projects that pay for themselves. I will come back to this.
In terms of water, pull up the map of Africa, you will see that there is no other country in the continent that has so many sources of water--Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa etc. No excuse for our country to have water problems. Yes, there are some ancient treaties that limit the amount of water we can draw from some of those sources; but the time has come for us to move forward. Yes, finding capital is challenging. Yet these are challenges that can be resolved.
How much will it cost to get water directly from those sources? How much will it cost to build a pipe that will draw water from Lake Nyasa, Tanganyika, and Victoria? A company could be created to embark on such a project. Tanzanians should be asked to buy stocks from the company. That will be one way to generate capital. I will surely invest money in it if I am confident that it is operated by qualified people who are not crooks. Without going into a tangent, I really worry about crooks here; it seems like hundreds of such ambitious projects have been iniated and failed because of greed. But again, we have to find creative ways of dealing with that problem as well.
It can be done.
Yes we can
Dear Inno, How is your baby boy. I bet he is so big now and keeping you busy.
I agree with all the solutions that you have suggested. The core points of your solution, resonates so much with what I believe is constructive for improving the society’s well being. The only first approach would be to start in the lower level of ward executive. Unfortunately you have so called Madiwani who are just enjoying their pay but with no significant input to their wards. If the municipal would enforce laws that would hold the ward executive responsible whenever their wards do not meet certain hygienic criteria set this will force the ward executives to work efficiently. Leadership has to start from the bottom. The ward executives have so much power, they just lack discipline and there have not faced any consequences so they take their position for granted.
Hapa kidogo I disagree. I think in most cases they really understand the impact of pollution, and what really means to have a clean city. In recent year there have been a lot of complaints on local communities on the impact of waste dumping in areas that are surrounded by various industries. Again I bring up the issue of responsibility of the ward executive/municipal executives. Wananchi can raise their voices lakini what measures have been taken by the municipal executive. For wananchi they need to see results, they cannot raise hell and yet nothing is being implemented. As you said wananchi need to learn from their leaders, there is a serious need to ensure that these leaders are held responsible when their mitaas are not meeting city standards. If it’s possible why not even have a system of penalty/fines. Action speaks louder than words.
Education and exposure has nothing to do with one being clean. My mother is a standard seven leaver and yet she is annoyingly cleaner than I am. I think attitude is an issue facing our people. With good leadership, guidance and action I believe we could see some changes. Many of the leaders do not have self motivation to work for their communities. This attitude ya kukaa na kungoja saa za kazi ziishe and go home has to change. They need to get their behinds up and visit their neighborhoods or communities. Wananchi will emulate their leaders only if they are guaranteed results. If we wait for exposure, then we will wait mpaka yesu aje. Mind you, not everyone would be granted an opportunity to travel to other parts of the world for some exposure. It is also the government’s responsibility to improve the necessary infrastructures such as sewage system, clean water, and Garbage disposal systems.
Mimi nadhani tutafika, only we need to change people’s attitudes. The government has its responsibility and so are we. Pale ambapo the government would install necessary infrastructure it becomes the communities responsibility to safeguard those infrastructures. Wananchi have to take ownership of their projects. Ukiona mtu anaiba mafuta ya transformer it is your responsibility to expose that person and the law has responsibility to protect you.
I think Iack of law enforcement has a lot to do with how the public responds. Public good policies need to be adapted and a fine need to be put in place whenever there is a violation.
To wrap it up, Kuhusu hao viongozi wanaotaka kugombea send them back to work at their communities. Unajua siku hizi viongozi wengi ni product ya University and have no perspective on what it really means to live in poor conditions. They need shake off their elitism before running for any office.
Inno kufika tutafika, lakini me and you are the catalyst of that change. Changes start today. Siku nyingine you leave behind your mikocheni/o’bay life and take a trip to areas such as manzese, tandalle and hang out with those fellas. I am sure you would never take anything for granted.
January: very interesting food for thought.
For start, I must point out inspiration alone does not turn a person into a leader. More important, the common mistake we make in this country is the presumption that becoming a politician is the true way to become a leader. The fundamental trait missing, in my opinion, when it comes to public leadership is the realization and personal conviction of being a public servant.
Having said, the problems we see around us, and some of which you have pointed out, have not appeared overnight. We have known this all along. Moreover, I am convinced that there are plans in place to resolve some of these problems. For example, I understand that there is about USD 1 Billion funding by the WB and other donors to carry out water sector development projects throughout Tanzania over 5 years starting 2007. However, the biggest obstacle to make this happen is at the Local Government level.
You look around Dar and you see plenty of new property development. However, new constructions must go hand in hand with enhancement and improvement in infrastructure - power, roads, water, sanitation, etc. Anything short of, leads to sort of problems that Dar is experiencing now in water and power.
You look around Dar and you see massive apartment buildings in low density areas. How do they get the building permits? The improper property development obviously strain the water, sanitation, and power systems. Chama Mikocheni is the best example of this. It is frightening.
What should we do? It is perhaps not right to look at Dar in isolation when resolving water, urbanization, job creation (for the TZ youths). We are all connected. On the other hand, it is best to recommend solutions once we have considered everything, solutions could very well be in the shelves somewhere collecting dust. Somebody must had done research/studies to resolve these problems.
In my heart of hearts, solutions are within us, and around us. The true leader would be the one to seek solutions with a sense of purpose and commitment to do it righteously. And that person needs not be a politician. You will be surprised what we can do here by just changing attitudes.
My 2 cents.
"In my heart of hearts, solutions are within us, and around us. The true leader would be the one to seek solutions with a sense of purpose and commitment to do it righteously. And that person needs not be a politician. You will be surprised what we can do here by just changing attitudes".
I also suggest a change of attitude, lakini how do you start. Generation yetu mimi na wewe its not that late to have an impact, lakini generation ya kina kingunge is it possible kweli. I think there is a need of introducing an ethics class on our kid’s curricullum for the sake of future generations. Anyone aspiring to work as a public servant has to understand what it really means to be a public servant employee. When I was in Dodoma last month, I overheard people talking on how they wish they could secure a job at TAMISEMI. The reason behind such aspiration is making big money quick. One of them said " Baada ya mwaka mmmoja tu unajenga na una gari". Kwa hiyo for most people to be a public servant is to make a quick buck and find some loop hole for big money. Unfortunately this is the perception of many of our university graduates. If people who were caught on corruption scams were severely punished, it would have helped to minimize embezzlements.
I seriously think it is very important for the government to take a firm action on all those who have been caught on any scandal. This attitude of covering up mistakes of our fellow leaders would lead us to nowhere. I am even thinking what does the president has to lose if he takes a firm stand to prosecute those who have been caught in any embezzlement if proven to be guilty. Kuna usemi kwamba they are covering up some issues because of National Interest. I think wananchi would rather see action taken and then restart afresh rebuilding the country with a new mission and vision.
Imagine a person like Ngasongwa without shame is criticizing action taken against the two ministers prosecuted for their negligence while in office. For God‘s sake, they were working as public servants and it was their responsibility to protect the interest of our nation. I am bringing up Ngasongwa as an example of how hard it would be to attempt to change attitudes of people of his generation.
Thanks for your thoughtful 2 cents.
Interesting discussion. If only ideas like these could be put into actions.
I think that, another solution we need is a mentality change.
This mentality of 'nimekuwa bosi nimepata ulaji/nimeuchinja' is poison. Tutapiga kwata tu. Albeit, it's almost impossible to play nice in the country like ours.
Inno. A district forrest Officer with his donor funded SUV. I couldn't help it but laugh. Halafu ndo imetoka hivo?!, Is there anything called 'FOLLOW UPS' to projects like that, to see how funds/materials from donors are being used for the benefit of the country and regular citizens?
Am sure there's follow ups but another problem is that, the targeted audience for that kind of help doesn't even get engaged in any kind of decisions or policy making for their own communities. And we're supposed to elect our leaders. For what reason? ili watulalie? (Excuse my french)
I would partially disagree with your point of exposure. On one side I think it's an execellent idea if used accordingly, but on the other side I think leadership comes from within, whether you're exposed or not. Someone I know who's doing her graduate studies in a foreign country, suggested that our leaders can steal from the Govornment but, waibe kwa akili. Imagine that, she's planning to work for the Tz Gov.
Sad thing is that, watu wa kawaida have the same kind of mentality. If they see someone get promoted or land a nice job, that's it, kauchinja, and it's for his/her own good, not their communities. This has become our way of life. We don't even complain maskini. And then, where can you complain?
Mpambika, I like your point that, just being a politician isn't enough to be leader. It really needs sacrifice and as you said deep commitment, sense of purpose and righteousness.
I guess the main problem we have with our leaders is, lack of freedom of speech. We can't complain about them, there's no place to complain, and thus we can't hold them accountable. But, I have confidence that one day we'll be able to say,
Yes We Can!
Hi Misokasick,
Thanks for the family greetings. My son, now 20 months old, is doing alright. He's at the age when everything that he sees is up to be painted as long as he has anything in his hands that can smear and looks like a pen. So I have learned to hide my markers!
And while I'm at this, it would be a good thing sometimes in the future if we all (colleagues in this blog) get together for a drink in Dar. Just a thought. I'm in NYC and will remain here in the next two years or so pursuing graduate studies at Columbia Univ. Let me know, anybody, next time you're in NYC so that we can meet for a meal or coffee somewhere. As you know, we're living in a global but divided village. Today a person could be in New Jersey, kesho yupo Marangu anapata kisusio.
It has been a great pleasure interacting with all of you!
I agree with you, it would be nice if we(bloggers here) can meet for a drink one day and even talk about different issues about our nation and the world, for that matter.
I would be eager to know the true motive of these aspiring young politicians! In my honest opinion I think most of them are into politics because of “what politics can offer to them” rather than “what can they offer to the peoples?”
I think local media should play a big role and introduce ‘grilling system’ (US style) on every aspiring politician/leader on every level from top to bottom, (be it Katibu kata, Diwani , junior Minister or Minister) This way the public will at least know beforehand their Ideas and Leadership qualities on offer, will be well informed and maybe it will stop the current vicious cycle of mediocre leaders we so often see ‘getting the boot’ but not before they done some damage and whom upon leaving Office their only achievement is magari manene na mifuko iliotuna!! But kwa wananchi walalahoi tunaambulia 3-0!!
We lack competent and creative Leaders right across the board, from local councillors to RC in our major cities and that make it very difficult for any fresh ideas and environmental policy to be created. To be honest madiwani na meya wa miji wapowapo tu hawana uwezo kiutendaji wakati ndio walitakiwa wawe ndio watendaji wakuu.
On the confronting issues of environment, unemployment to young people, urban overpopulation, all these are related to each other and the only way to fix them is the introduction of dispersing policy. How? Concentrate in creating new employment opportunities in other key cities such as Mwanza, Arusha and Tanga
We should concentrate in improving infrastructure and living condition in these cities as a way of curbing the movement of young people from mikoani .
By improving and building new roads, Bridges, Schools and Ports we will be creating many jobs and paving attractive environment for investors into these cities.
This will ease on big scale the usual 'migration influx' to Dar by every young aspirant person. It is a bold ambition but can be fulfilled.
Above all the need to address and re-discover the 'PATRIOTISM' and 'SENSE OF BELONGING'
All who want to be Leaders should understand that tackling our challenge is a job that require everybody’s effort and we all needs to be pulling in the same direction in ‘Communal manner’
Any Leadership egos and self centred attitudes must be pushed aside.
No matter how smart ideas you have or talented, gifted you are, you will never achieve anything without fully cooperation from the people you supposed to lead.
If there’s one thing that our society lack is 'a sense of belonging and responsibility' It is so sad but true that the majority of our people doesn’t know how vital is their contribution and how important they are in shaping the society from local to national level. People should be made feel important and responsible.
Look at these 2 very true example on sad state of our society!
Misokasick says
Change peoples attitude
Government would install necessary infrastructure it becomes the communities responsibility to
safeguard those infrastructures. Wananchi have to take ownership of their projects. Ukiona mtu anaiba
mafuta ya transformer it is your responsibility to expose that person and the law has responsibility to
protect you.
Salama said
Sad thing is that, watu wa kawaida have the same kind of mentality. If they see someone get promoted or land a nice job, that's it, kauchinja, and it's for his/her own good, not their communities. This has become our way of life. We don't even complain maskini. And then, where can you complain?
Our people attitude is ‘none of my business’ ‘it doesn’t affect me’ ‘who am I to care’ ‘I’m powerless, worthless to have any real effect on this’
My advice to those aspiring Leaders is: If you want to make a real change and help our Society, I think your #1 priority should be to campaign vigorously in educating and mobilising our people so they can understand their role in society, work on changing their dreadful passive attitude! Everyone of us must be upfront, responsible, active and participating, because the root cause of most of our problem lie on this rotten passive attitude.
If the wind blew junks into my front yard overnight, I don’t need to wait for the city cleaner to come and sweep my yard.
After a rainy day and the rain stopped I need to join hand with my local community in unblocking our street sewages and take care of our environments etc. there are so many things that can be done by community without government help( painting the school walls, cleaning etc) Unfortunately we’ve no community coherent. After-all if my child catch diarrhoea as a result of me waiting for govt. cleaners. I should be the one to deal with the consequence of my action.
Instead of 'what can my country do for me' mentality, we should change into 'what can I do to my country' mentality. If we can't instil this mentality to our people I am sorry to say there is no Hope, Whoever the leaders and whatever policies he/she put in place.
JANUARY,latest post is bang on the knocker and wryly amusing as well! Please do keep the pressure on this shower of a Government. Your last post certainly kept me busy reading your article plus the reader comments and it is good that you make people think.
The problem is that once we have voted for any bunch of bunny brained bottlers, we just let them get on with it.
The scandals and horrors of our once stately nation go from the sublime to the almost unbelievable, as each week passes. The so called VYOMBO VYA USALAMA who pass the book, whilst monsters carry out heinous crimes against TAIFA LETU. The powers that be, in Magogoni, continue to shout - do as I say and not as I do - power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
From Pinda's friendly chat after his law of the jungle(in regards to Albino killings), a he was speaking as if a Messiah and leader of the free world. We might all share a delusion or two, but there are limits, after which point, medication is needed.
Amongst all this, people are ripped off in the promise of a decent day out, just when a reasonably fun time might lift the spirits. Heaven forbid any one of us should enjoy ourselves, far easier to keep us down with a daily diet of doomed economy in the midst of EPA's,RICHMONDS,TWIN TOWERS,KIWIRAs, ATC's etc. We are all satiated to be honest, thanks JK.Very glad to see that you have not had your collar felt and that you are still with us, fighting our corner.
how about a quote from EDMUND BURKE....
"People crushed by law, have no hopes but from power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws; and those who have much to hope and nothing to lose, will always be dangerous."- Letter to Charles James Fox (1777-10-08)
Advise them to run for serekali za mitaa first or UDIWANI then learn as much as they can before going to national leadership....
Anyway, since JK made to Presidency every young fella thinks of becoming President as since Zitto became ICON everyone want to start with Parliament....
Dont discourage them but give them the tough side of leadership which is RESPONSIBILITY....
About Dar es Salaam challenges, i like the idea that there are people up there realize the issue of homelessness boom. Its realy a serious issue....
About other chaos like ever jumming traffic chaos i believe the idea of moving political capital to Dodoma as soon as possible and redevelop Dar for Financial/Bussiness Capital will do a lot...
U have forget the issue of pedestrian pavements...Its really a problem. Its interesting that the city bosses dont see it and allow shopers to block a lot of supposedly open/pedestrians spaces with chained poles or "gardens" like New Post Office, Bank of Baroda, the Clothes Shop btn New Post Office and Petrol Station as u go to IPS building, IPS building etc etc. This is almost everywhere in city centre and for us pedestrians we have to compete with cars or the ever crowded pavements with thousands of pickpockets.
I better contribute to this before its taken over by another post because its been here for some days now.
Number 4 - The use of charcoal as the major cooking energy and the impact of its use on the environment: I strongly believe that a practical solution that can have a measurable impact in a relatively short period of time would be to reduce the aggregate amount of charcoal used by Dar Es Salaam residents (yes, Dar to start with as the post suggested) by BANNING THE SALE OF REGULAR BARE 'SIGIRIs' WITHIN CITY LIMITS -- ONLY THE HEAT RETAINING TYPE WITH A CLAY LINING WOULD BE LEGALLY AVAILABLE FOR SALE. If at the end of a second year since such a tactic was implemented region-wide, and lets say an average household used 2 less sacks of charcoal annually, thats a lot of trees saved, a lot less charcoal transported thus saving transportation fuel, less cash in total spent on cooking energy per household and all other benefits we can think of. I’m talking about banning the sale of certain kind of ‘sigiris‘ because unless such a measure is taken, those very inefficient ‘naked’ types will always be available for sale and people will keep buying them -- they are cheaper for buyers, easier to fabricate for the fundis, lighter to move around by sellers - but they are comparable to Hummers if we were talking about gas guzzlers. Unless a city ordinance or something in that category bans them and therefore making them unavailable; they will be around for a long time and we all will pay the price for letting them stay around. We all understand that charcoal stoves do not last long, they need replacement within a relatively short period of time, that’s why I believe that households in Dar that cook with charcoal would all have the energy efficient type of sigiris soon enough . Think about it - if you live in the city, your old sigiri needs decommissioning but but only the efficient ones are available, you will buy what’s available. A success of such a measure in Dar would probably be worth trying in other places around the country.
Number 1 - I can assure you, we have many highly capable professional Tanzanian conservationists who can restore the sources of Ruvu (assuming the source is within Tanganyika). If we get serious and deploy these home grown pros, and some kind of a taskforce (at TAKUKURU? may be) very seriously and creatively think a fresh on how to make them actually do the work, that important water source can be restored. The route that would be fatal would be to try begging some foreign Government to fund such an undertaking and I can assure you, nothing will be done. I’m trying to think of we the people having some means of holding somebody responsible if he or she does not spend the resources provided by us for such an undertaking. U know what I’m talking about. Unfortunately, I too understanding that I’m fantasizing on making a public official listen to citizens -- we are way to go on holding anybody responsible for anything!
Will comment on number 5 soon
Thanks fellows
Kuhusu "sigiri", umeziba njia bila kutoa njia nyingine. Ukizuia watu wasitumie sigiri utawapa alternative solution gani ya kutumia kupika?
I think there is another aspect to this City congestion and its other problems and the aposity of leadership issue: which is the underdevelopment of rural economies.
Why do people come to the city at the first place?
"I think there is another aspect to this City congestion and its other problems and the aposity of leadership issue: which is the underdevelopment of rural economies"
You have said it all.... Massive urban migration is a result of underdevelopment of rural economies and undiverified economies in the rural areas. Neglect the agricultural sector is not going to get us anywhere. Yes we can not rely completely on this sector, but we could improve our agricultural methods by adapting to new technologies for production. Dar's carrying capacity is exhausted, and it would continue to be so unless there is a control of region-urban migration. The solution for this migration is improving rural economies. Thanks JSM for the thought.
You might not have had time to read all of what I was trying to suggest -- my main point was: hizi sigiri zinazotumika kwa wingi majumbani - sigizi za kawaida zisizokuwa na udongo ndani zinatumia mkaa mwingi mno. Suggestion yangu haikuwa kuzuia kutumia mkaa wala sigiri bali kuweka vizuizi kwa upatikanaji wa hizo sigiri ambazo si bora. Na naamini kabisa wazo langu kwa hili suala la mkaa na majiko liko on point na ni pendekezo maalum kabisa na naamini kabisa ni la kuweza kufanyiwa kazi (a specific and clear workable suggestion) katika suala la matumizi ya mkaa kama nishati ya kupikia. For some reason, wengu wetu tuna mawazo mazuri sana tu lakini linapokuja suala la mawazo ya kuweza kutelekelezeka ndo shughuli inapokuwa na ndo maada maisha yetu mpaka leo yapo kama yalivyo. Watanzania wana mawazo mengi mazuri tu lakini yapi yanafaa na yana nafasi Jersey City na yapi yana nafasi Mikoroshini ndo kazi ilipo
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